Type Greek

Convert text to Greek characters as you type. Type Greek now.

Add to Your Site

Type Greek consists of a collection of Javascript functions. These functions can easily be included in any web page, enabling Greek typing functionality for an HTML text area. I have made available below two resources for learning how to add Greek typing functionality to your site. Be sure you understand the Creative Commons license under which TypeGreek has been released.

(Note: These instructions assume you will use the typegreek.js file hosted on this site; this guarantees you always have the latest code, but it also makes your page dependent upon the TypeGreek site. You could download the current version of the typegreek.js file and host it on your site; visit the Software and Downloads section for details.)

Existing Page: Tutorial

If you already have an existing page and you would like to add TypeGreek functionality to it, this tutorial walks step-by-step through the process using one of my own examples.

No Existing Page: Example Download

If you do not have already have a page but you would like to create one with TypeGreek functionality, these downloads offer basic web pages with TypeGreek already installed. Starting from one of these, you can modify the page to suit your own needs.

The first option will always convert keystrokes to Greek characters; the second option allows the user to turn conversion on and off.