Type Greek

Convert text to Greek characters as you type. Type Greek now.


In order to run Type Greek, there are two requirements. (Most Windows users will find that they meet these two requirements already.)

  1. Supported Web Browser: TypeGreek uses some newer components of the standard Javascript model that older browsers do not support. The following browsers have been thoroughly tested and found to support TypeGreek:
    • ie.gif Internet Explorer 5.5+
    • mozilla.gif Mozilla Application Suite 1.4+ (and thus Netscape 7.x)
    • firefox.gif Mozilla Firefox 1.0+ (and thus Netscape 8.x)

    (If you find that your alternative browser does support TypeGreek, please let me know. If not, download Mozilla Firefox or visit the Software and Downloads page for additional resources.)

  2. Unicode Greek Font: In order to view the Greek characters that TypeGreek produces, you will need a font that contains Unicode Greek characters. If you can view the Greek characters in the proverb below, you should be good; if you see empty squares instead of letters, visit the Greek Fonts page to find a font.

μηδὲ χελιδόνας ἐν εὀκίᾳ δέχεσθαι (Tosi 8).